SB54 - Authorizing judges to extend protection from abuse orders for more reasons and tolling time when subject of the order is in prison. SB53 - Establishing the membership of the Sedgwick county charter commission which, if created, will review and recommend changes regarding the structure of county government. SB52 - Creating the Sedgwick county urban area nuisance abatement act. SB299 - Increasing the compensation of members of the state banking board. SB289 - Enacting the frontline service pay act to provide additional compensation to Kansas employees at high risk of exposure to COVID-19 and who are engaged in essential work for the state of Kansas. SB280 - Modifying the distribution of the levy on fire insurance business premiums to the state fire marshal fee fund, the emergency medical services operating fund and the fire service training program fund.

SB268 - Making supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2021 through 2032 for various state agencies and revising the pooled money investment portfolio repayment schedule. SB266 - Amortizing the state and school KPERS unfunded actuarial liability over a 24-year period and eliminating certain level-dollar employer contribution payments. SB250 - Amending the Kansas cybersecurity act to require security training for all state agencies and provide for certain information to be provided to the joint committee on information technology. SB249 - Creating additional reporting requirements for all state agencies for certain information technology projects. SB232 - Providing for COVID-19 hazard pay for teachers. SB140 - Updating membership and requirements of the Kansas state employees health care commission to better reflect the current population of individuals eligible to participate in the state healthcare benefits program. SB134 - Requiring state agencies to draft and implement minimum staffing plans. SB117 - Enacting the Kansas electricity bill reduction bonds act and authorizing the state corporation commission to issue securitized ratepayer-backed K-EBRA bonds for electric utility property.

SB110 - Authorizing the issuance of bonds for the construction of a state veterans home.